lørdag 17. april 2010


en·ter v
1.    vti to go or come into a place
2.    vt to write or type something in a book or on a computer
3.    vt to submit something, for example, a proposal, complaint, or bid, officially
4.    vti to take part in a competition
5.    vt to join or become officially involved in something, especially a body such as a school or company
6.    vi to come on stage during a play
7.    vti to force a way into something, or be pushed or inserted into something, especially the human body
8.    vt to go onto land and take legal possession of it
See enter key

in·ves·ti·gate v
1.    vti to carry out a detailed examination or inquiry, especially officially, in order to find out about something or somebody
2.    vi to take a look or go and see what happened

chal·lenge vt
1.    an invitation to somebody to compete in a fight, contest, or competition
2.    a test of somebody’s abilities or a situation that tests somebody’s abilities in a stimulating way
3.    a questioning of something by demanding an explanation, justification, or proof
4.    an order to somebody to stop and produce identification or a password
5.    an objection against the inclusion of somebody on a jury
6.    a claim that somebody is not entitled to a vote, or that a vote is invalid
7.    exposure of a person or animal to a substance in order to determine whether an allergy or other adverse reaction will occur

søndag 14. mars 2010